Contact:, 630-353-9795

Helene Weisbach, currently located in the western suburb of Lisle, is an AmSAT Certified Senior Teacher, having taught the Alexander Technique in Chicago since 1979. Helene’s full-time private teaching practice, with individuals and groups, has always served a widely diverse client base, in terms of age, occupation, interests and concerns. Helene’s Alexander Technique teaching is enriched and informed by her educational background: B.S. in biology (Roosevelt University, 1967) and Master’s of Social Work (University of Illinois, Chicago, 1970), and her on-going interests in personal development, health, philosophy, psychology and spirituality. Helene completed her Alexander Technique teacher training at the School of Alexander Studies, London, England in 1979. Since 1975 she has been a member of STAT, the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, London and is a founding member of AmSAT.